Friday, October 04, 2024

Alaska Ferry from Bellingham to Whittier | Anchorage

June 4 is the departure date from Bellingham, Washington State., for the first-ever Alaska Marine Highway ferry run directly to Southcentral Alaska that won't require a highway trip from Haines to Valdez and a change of vessels in Southeast Alaska. The MV Kennicott will stop en-route from Bellingham in Ketchikan, Juneau and Yakutat before crossing the Gulf of Alaska to Whittier, reports the Turnagain Times Newspaper.  The bi-weekly trip will take 4.5 days and cost around US$547.00 for walk-on passengers or US$.1.481 with a pickup or car aboard. Alaska Marine Highway officials told the Times that the car deck is almost fully booked for the entire summer.



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